Trailer Servicing

Trailer Servicing


38 Point Fit For The Road Service includes

Chassis and Under gear

Underside floor condition . Chassis condition. Wheel alignment . Underfloor fixings . Chassis attachment. Draw bar condition . Axle/Leaf spring condition

Vehicle Road lighting & Electrics

Side lights . Brake lights . Reverse lights . Number plate lights . Hazard lights . Indicating lights . Roof mounted lights . Fog lights . Road markers . Under floor wiring condition . 7/13 ping plug condition. Lighting lens condition. internal 12v electrics and lighting

Running Gear

Jockey wheel operation . Brake cable condition . Hitch and coupling condition . Tyre condition . Tyre pressure check . Damper condition . Hand brake condition

Brakes . Hubs and Bearings

Brake Shoe condition / Alignment . Hub and back plate condition. Bearings and Seals condition and replacement . Locking axle nut replacement . Hub cap collection . Wheel nut condition. Brake and pad condition and replacement . Brake rod and cable condition

Body . Doors . Floor

Hydraulic rams . Door springs and fittings . Door hinge and locks . side panel and extrusion condition . roof and body condition . panel dampness and leaking

Internal fixtures and fittings

Furniture seating attachment . kitchen and worktops . Internal flooring and carpets . Shelving and cupboards . steps and bannisters
240V electrical certification



Our trailer service & repair facilities .  NTTA Qualified Service Technicians with 30 year experience 
Trailer 38 point Check trailer service includes full chassis and running gear, Tyre condition
Floor and Wall condition, 12v Road Lights and electrics. Body & fixings, Hitch, Damper, Roof, Doors & internal equipment. Prices subject to VAT, Any parts required and fitted are extra to service price. 


Single Axle Unbraked  Trailers £75

Single Axle Braked Trailers £100

Twin Axle Braked Trailers £120

Tri Axle Braked Trailers £145

Trailer service prices do not include extra work. We charge £30 per hour including VAT for extra work (Parts Supplied are extra costs)


We can service trailers from most manufacturers including
Ifor Williams Trailers. Brian James Trailers. Blueline Trailers. Debon Trailers. Indespention Trailers. Tickners Trailers. Bateson Trailers. Rice Trailers. Brenderup Trailers. Equi trek Trailers
Horse box trailer servicing

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