Trailer Servicing Costs

Trailer Servicing

Trailer Servicing Costs

The cost of having an old trailer serviced and parts replaced can be staggering, keeping your trailer serviced on a regular basis, not only keeps you within the law but stops you having to pay large repair bills.

Example cost of service and repairs to a 12'x 6 plant trailer which had not been serviced in 7 years

250 x 400mm brake shoes x2 sets £80

90 degree Marker lamps x2 £30

2 x3660 brake cables sets x2 £76

Sealed wheel bearings x4 £134

Heavy duty Jockey wheel £62.50

New LED back lights £120

 Brake away chain £12

 New weather proof flooring sheets £340

Trailer service and new fitting charges for above £680

TOTAL COST £1534.50 Plus VAT

contact Boxer trailers for your annual service and get fit for the road, winter discounts available


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